Is Polish current historical policy turning its back on Europe?

Whereas many European states are reluctant to carry out an active “historical policy”, preferring – or pretending – to remain neutral in historical issues and to leave them to scholars, Poland, especially since the return to power in 2015 of the ultra-conservative party Law and Justice (PiS), is not bothered to enforce such a policy in various spheres under state control, from public media to schools, diplomacy and cultural action.

Essais Pologne Histoire

Le travail organique en Pologne : origines et manifestations

À en juger par le faible nombre d’études menées sur le thème du travail organique et leur relative ancienneté, il semblerait que les historiens aient surtout retenu, de la typologie de Michał Bobrzyński des deux voies vers l’indépendance nationale, celle des insurrections armées. Si un tel penchant peut se comprendre du point de vue de la mémoire collective, plus sensible aux grands élans romantiques qu’à l’austère labeur des industriels, des commerçants et des professeurs, l’historiographie ne saurait justifier ses lacunes en utilisant de semblables arguments, d’autant que le travail organique a joué un rôle déterminant mais largement occulté dans la renaissance de l’État polonais en 1918.

Essais Pologne Histoire

Turgot, forerunner of Adam Smith? Life, ideas and posthumous influence

Like many other French liberal economists, Turgot is one of those figures more acknowledged abroad than in his home country, where he is mainly remembered as Louis XVI’s ephemeral minister of finance. His political work was undoubtedly considerable, so much so that Edgar Faure, his biographer and head of government during the 1950s, wrote that had Turgot been longer in power, the French Revolution may not have occurred.

Essais Économie Histoire